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Studio apartment no.5

Price from 2 000 CZK/NIGHT

An airy apartment ideal for your business trip.


pacious and airy studio apartment. You will appreciate it, especially during your business trip. Relax in the large bed or relax on the sofa bed. Each apartment has a fully equipped kitchen and air conditioning.


Floor: 1st floor

Maximum occupancy: 2 persons + 1 child 

Apartment size: 30 m²

Bedroom: Large double bed 180×200 cm

Living room: 1 sofa bed

room equipment

Free parking
Monument view
Private bathroom
Pracovní stul
Air conditioning
Coffee maker
Private kitchen
Vlastní koupelna
Fén na vlasy
Výhled na památku
Parkování zdarma
Soukromá kuchyň
Work desk
Výhled na město
Show availability and reserve


Take advantage of the full fridge service!

1st package - 990 CZK

eggs, butter, ham, salami, cheese, tomatoes, cucumber, milk, yoghurt, fruit, bread, juice

2nd package - 990 CZK

soy milk, granola, choice of fruit, yoghurt alternative, hummus, avocado, tomatoes, wholemeal bread

Seasonal packages

According to the current offer.For more information please contact us! 

View the other rooms 


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Příjezd a check in

Kdy je check-in a kdy check-out?

Check-in od 15:00

Check-out 10:30

Při dostupnosti je možné využít brzkého check-inu a pozdního check-outu za poplatek

Mohu změnit rezervaci?

Změna rezervace závisí na vybraném tarifu a podmínkách u každé rezervace.

Jak je to s úklidem?

Úklid je prováděn každý 5. den pobytu. K dispozici jsou vám základní úklidové prostředky.

Mohu kouřit na pokoji?

Kouření je v celém objektu zakázáno.

Mohu si vzít domácího mazlíčka?

Bohužel, domácí mazlíčci nejsou povoleni.

Arrival and check-in

Arrival and check-in

When is the check-in and check-out?

Check-in from 15:00

Check-out at 10:30

When there is availability it is possible to take advantage of early check-in and late check-out for extra charge

Can I change the reservation? 

The change of reservation 

Changing your booking depends on the tariff and conditions chosen for each booking.‍

What about cleaning?

Cleaning is done every 5th day of your stay. Basic cleaning products are provided.

Can I smoke in my room?

Smoking is not allowed in the entire property.‍

Can I bring my pet?

Unfortunately, pets are not allowed.

Samoobslužná recepce

Umožňujeme self check-in. Klíč je ve schránce s kódem.

Self-serviced reception

We allow self check-in. The key is in a box with a code.

Půjčovna kol

Jak to funguje?

Máme k dispozici 2 horská elektrokola zn. Pells.
Nyní máme ve velikostech M a L.

Rezervace předem není nutná, nicméně doporučujeme ji.

Cena 490 Kč/den

Electric bike rental

We have 2 Pells Thorr e-bikes for rent. Currently we have sizes M, L. 

Advance booking is not necessary but recommended.

Price 490 CZK/day

Extra služby

Nakoupíme vám potraviny dle výběru a zajistíme snídani dle chutí. Je libo english breakfast, kontinentální či veganská?
Nabízíme balíčky pro páry – láhev Prosecca a kytice dle přání.

Extra Services

We will buy you the food of your choice and arrange breakfast according to your taste. Would you like an English breakfast, continental or vegan?

We offer packages for couples - a bottle of Prosecco and a bouquet of your choice.


Kde mohu parkovat?

K dispozici jsou parkovací místa jak v soukromém dvoře, tak na ulici.


Where can I park?

There are parking spaces both in the private courtyard and on the street.

Jak se k vám dostanu?

MHD zastávka Kremnická

How can I reach you?

Public transport stop: Kremnicka

Mohu dobíjet elektroauto?

Máme k dispizici jednu nabíjecí stanici.

Can I charge my electric car?

We have one charging station available.

Arrival and check-in

Arrival and check-in

When is the check-in and check-out?

Check-in from 15:00

Check-out at 10:30

When there is availability it is possible to take advantage of early check-in and late check-out for extra charge

Can I change the reservation? 

The change of reservation 

Changing your booking depends on the tariff and conditions chosen for each booking.‍

What about cleaning?

Cleaning is done every 5th day of your stay. Basic cleaning products are provided.

Can I smoke in my room?

Smoking is not allowed in the entire property.‍

Can I bring my pet?

Unfortunately, pets are not allowed.

Self-serviced reception

We allow self check-in. The key is in a box with a code.

Electric bike rental

We have 2 Pells Thorr e-bikes for rent. Currently we have sizes M, L. 

Advance booking is not necessary but recommended.

Price 490 CZK/day

Extra Services

We will buy you the food of your choice and arrange breakfast according to your taste. Would you like an English breakfast, continental or vegan?

We offer packages for couples - a bottle of Prosecco and a bouquet of your choice.


Where can I park?

There are parking spaces both in the private courtyard and on the street.

How can I reach you?

Public transport stop: Kremnicka

Can I charge my electric car?

We have one charging station available.

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